Kansas City Area 913-538-4598 Wichita, KS 316-243-9770 Omaha/Lincoln, NE 402-739-8337 • Manhattan, KS 785-329-3757


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Risk mitigation is one of the largest concerns for Commercial Property owners…and rightfully so. We actively monitor thousands of properties on behalf of our clients. We use storm tracking software and a patent-pending technology installed on roofs to monitor and assess the effects of a storm on properties. We’re notified immediately as a storm occurs if your property was impacted by hail or wind. If the report merits further inspection we notify you of our imminent inspection and alert you of our findings with a photographic report.

One of the most difficult parts of navigating a large loss claim ($100,000 or more) in this fraud-ridden and litigious industry is the process of accurately detailing the damage through a scope an adjuster can understand and submit for approval. However, even more, challenging at times is proving the “date of loss”. This is why it is vitally important for a Commercial Property owner to document their “current conditions”. If your property is annually inspected and documented then you can rest assured that you will not have an issue in detail, for your carrier, that the damage was truly on their watch. Otherwise, past potential storm dates can raise concern or question of when the actual damage occurred and can lead to a long dispute on a claim, or worse yet, a complete denial.

If you have multiple properties we inspect them at no charge as part of the above process. If significant storm damage is found on any of your current holdings, we’re able to walk you through the entire process from filing to restoration. We prioritize our inspections based on properties in your portfolio that are most likely to have sustained potential impacts from storms in recent years as these are the ones in which you may have unknown issues requiring immediate attention.

Lastly, we understand the impacts owners face in filing frivolous claims. Rest assured, we only desire to be engaged in legitimate claims in which we have a high likelihood of success and ones that merit your concern and necessitate a claim being filed.

“Our philosophy is simple. We cover all of the details throughout the process that are, all too often, overlooked.”